miercuri, 8 iulie 2009

Some people just have no limits at all...

I think it's compulsory at this moment to start writing in English. Sorry for eventual mistakes in my writing. But this is not what i wanted to write about.
When it comes to getting what you want to get, Some people just have no limits at all... I thought this type of behaviour is purely animal instinct. Apparently it is not. Some of us do it. Maybe i'm one of these people. Anyway how can someone lie like that? It's hilarious but crazy at the same time. And not just crazy, but somebody should do something about it. Well, of course, people have different ways of approaching these people. Some will just listen (me), some will just leave without saying a word (some clients) and some will... (read the "para piscalir" post in my blog - that's in Romanian).
I'm thinking of a plan - as i said previously, action should be taken IMMEDIATELY - it's just that these people can lie just as i can write my signature. Uffffffffffffffffffffff................ It makes me madddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

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